Bijbelverhalen in beeld  -  28 - De opstanding van Christus

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Een introductie.
Is er leven na de dood? Sommige mensen zeggen dat Jezus Christus opstond uit de dood, maar is het echt waar? Luister goed en bekijk de foto's terwijl ik je vertel wat er gebeurd is.

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Kijk naar foto 108. Marcus 15:25-39

Ongeveer tweeduizend jaar geleden woonde Jezus in het land Israël. Jezus zei dat Hij de Zoon van God was en de Christus die de wereld zou redden. Hij leerde de mensen over God en Hij verrichtte vele wonderen. Maar de leiders van Israël zouden niet in Hem geloven. In plaats daarvan veroordeelden zij Hem ter dood. Ze kruisigden Hem aan een kruis zoals je op deze foto ziet. Twee andere mannen werden gekruisigd met Jezus. Het waren criminelen. Ze stierven als straf voor hun eigen zonden, maar Jezus had niets verkeerd gedaan. Hij stierf als het offer om te boeten voor de zonde van iedereen in de wereld. (1 Johannes 2:2 vertelt ons hier meer over.)

Kijk nu naar foto 109. Marcus 15:42-47

Voordat Jezus stierf, zei Hij tegen Zijn volgelingen dat Hij uit de dood zou komen, maar zij geloofden Hem niet. Nadat Hij stierf, namen twee vrienden Zijn dode lichaam van het kruis. Ze wikkelden het in linnen doeken en legden het in een graf. Ze rolden een grote steen over de ingang. Toen stuurden de leiders van Israël soldaten om het graf te bewaken. Ze wilden niet dat iemand het lichaam van Jezus zou stelen. Ze waren bang dat mensen zouden zeggen dat Jezus uit de dood was opgestaan, net zoals Hij zei dat Hij dat zou doen. (Dit staat ook in Matteüs 27:62-66.)

Kijk naar foto 110. Mattheüs 28:1-7

Op de derde dag na de dood van Jezus gebeurde er iets verbazingwekkends! Een engel van God verscheen bij het graf van Jezus. Er was een grote aardbeving. De engel rolde de steen terug bij de ingang van het graf en ging erop zitten. De soldaten die het graf bewaakten waren doodsbang. Ze vielen neer als dode mannen. Net toen kwamen er vrouwen naar de tombe. Ze zagen wat er gebeurd was. De engel sprak tot de vrouwen en zei: "Wees niet bang. Jezus is er niet. Ga en zeg tegen zijn volgelingen dat Hij uit de dood is opgestaan."

Picture 111. John 20:1-9
The women ran to Jesus' followers. One was called Mary Magdalene. She said to them, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him." So two men named Peter and John, ran to the tomb. They entered the empty tomb. You can see what they found. The cloths which had been wrapped around the dead body were still lying there but the body of Jesus was gone. Then John believed the words of Jesus. He believed that Jesus was alive again.

Look at picture 112. John 20:10-18
The two men went home but Mary Magdalene stayed outside the tomb. She was crying. Then she looked into the tomb and saw two angels. They said to her, "Woman, why are you crying?" Mary answered, "They have taken my Lord, and I don't know where they have put Him." Suddenly Jesus Himself appeared. Mary did not know it was Jesus. She thought He was the gardener, so she said, "Tell me where you have put Him." Then Jesus said to her, "Mary!" As soon as He said her name, Mary knew who He was. Jesus said to her, "Go and tell the other followers, I am returning to God." So she went to the them and said, "I have seen the Lord!" But they did not believe her.

Picture 113. Luke 24:13-35
That same day two followers of Jesus left Jerusalem. They walked to their home in the village of Emmaus. They talked about Jesus. They thought that He was the Christ who would save Israel. They could not understand why He had died. Suddenly Jesus appeared and walked with them. The two men did not know Him. They thought Jesus was a stranger so they told Him what had happened in Jerusalem. They said, "Jesus was a prophet but our rulers killed Him. We hoped that He would save Israel." Then Jesus said, "The Christ had to suffer these things and then enter His glory." The holy scriptures showed why Christ had to die to save the whole world. So Jesus explained the scriptures to them. When they got to Emmaus, the two men asked the stranger to stay with them. As they ate together, Jesus broke some bread. Suddenly they realized who He was. It was true! Jesus was alive again just as the women said. Then Jesus disappeared from their sight.

Picture 114. John 20:19-23
Immediately those two men went back to Jerusalem. They told the other followers that they had seen Jesus! While they were talking Jesus Himself appeared among them. They were all amazed and very afraid. Then Jesus said, "Peace be to you. Why are you troubled? Look at my hands and my feet. It is really me! Touch me and see; a spirit does not have flesh and bones as I have." There was no doubt any more. Jesus had come back from the dead! (We can read this also in Luke 24:38, 39)

Picture 115. John 20:24-31
When Jesus appeared to His followers, one friend was not with them. His name was Thomas. The followers told Thomas, "We have seen the Lord!" but Thomas said, "Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were, I will not believe it." A week later they were all together again. Thomas was with them. All the doors were locked because they were afraid of their enemies. Once again Jesus appeared to them all. He said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Stop doubting and believe." Thomas said to Him, "My Lord and my God!" and Thomas worshipped Him. Jesus was the Living Christ!

Picture 116. John 21:1-14
Some of the followers went back to their homes in Galilee. They were fishermen, so one night they went to the lake to catch fish. They worked all night but they caught nothing. Just as the sun rose, Jesus stood on the shore. They did not know who it was. Then Jesus called to them, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will catch fish." They did what the man told them. They caught so many fish that they could not haul in the net. Then John realized who the man was. John said, "It is the Lord!" So they came to the shore, dragging the net full of fish. None of the men said, "Who are you?" They knew it was Jesus. They ate breakfast together and He spoke with them.

Picture 117. Matthew 28:16-20
Another time, Jesus appeared to eleven of His closest friends. You cannot see them all in the picture. They were on a mountain in Galilee. He said to them, "God has given me all authority in heaven and on earth. You must go and make followers in all nations. Baptize them in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey every thing I have told you. And I am with you to the end of the age." The Living Christ wants everyone to know that God raised Him from death. His resurrection showed that He really is the Son of God. (Romans 1:4 tells us this.)

Now look at picture 118. Acts 1:6-12
For 40 days after Jesus rose from the dead many people saw Him. At one time He appeared to more than 500 people together. Jesus said to His followers, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth." He led the followers to a place outside of Jerusalem. Suddenly He went up into heaven. A cloud hid Him from their sight. Two angels appeared. They said to the people, "This Jesus who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." The followers returned to Jerusalem. There they waited. After ten days God sent His Holy Spirit to them. The Spirit gave them power and great courage. They went out and told people everywhere about Jesus. They told them, "God has raised Jesus to life. Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the Holy Spirit." (We read about this in 1 Corinthians 15:6 & Acts 2:24,38.)

Finally look at picture 119. Mark 16:19
Where is Jesus now? He is still alive in heaven. He is seated at the right side of God. There He hears the prayers of all who pray to Him. Jesus was the first one to rise from the dead. He is alive for ever. He is the Living Christ. He conquered Satan who caused mankind to die. He conquered death when He rose from the dead! This is why He can give us everlasting life. Our bodies will die, but all who believe in Jesus Christ will rise from death to live with Him. They will have new bodies like Christ's body. They will never die again. When will this happen? When Jesus comes to earth again. Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die." Give praise to God! It is true! (We learn these things from Rev. 1:5; 1:17 & 18; 1 Cor. 15:42-55 and John 11:25.)

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01 Who is Jesus
02 Christ Our Good Shepherd
03 Christ Teaches about Prayer
04 Christ's Victory over Satan
05 Death of Christ, The (with pictures)
06 Good News
07 Growing in the Christian Life
08 How Can We Please God
09 Look, Listen & Live 1 Beginning with GOD
10 Look, Listen & Live 2 Mighty Men of GOD
11 Look, Listen & Live 3 Victory through GOD
12 Look, Listen & Live 4 Servants of GOD
13 Look, Listen & Live 5 On Trial for GOD
14 Look, Listen & Live 6 JESUS - Teacher & Healer
15 Look, Listen & Live 8 Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT
17 Look_ Luister & Leef 7 JEZUS - Heer & Redder
17 De geboorte van Christus
18 Het licht van de wereld
19 De levende Christus en vergeving
20 De levende Christus en het Woord van God - Deel 1
21 De levende Christus en het Woord van God - Deel 2
22 De levende Christus is sterker dan de dood
23 De levende Christus zoekt verloren mensen
24 De levende Christus laat zien hoe God om ons geeft
25 De levende Christus wijst de weg naar de hemel
26 De levende Christus leert over verlossing
27 De levende Christus zal terugkeren
27 De opstanding van Christus
Naar de index van alle plaatjes in deze serie



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Hebreeën 4:12 zegt: "Want levend en krachtig is het woord van God, en scherper dan een tweesnijdend zwaard: het dringt diep door tot waar ziel en geest, been en merg elkaar raken, en het is in staat de opvattingen en gedachten van het hart te ontleden"Lees eens: Het zwijgen van God

God heeft zoveel liefde voor de wereld, dat Hij Zijn enige Zoon heeft gegeven; zodat ieder die in Hem gelooft, niet verloren gaat maar eeuwig leven heeft.
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